How do I make a marquee?
Have you ever been on a webpage and seen a piece of text that slides across the page? Maybe an image that bounces from one side of the page to the other? This is referred to as a marquee. You can change every attribute about a marquee, and they can be very useful for drawing your visitors attention to a particular area.
Basic Marquee
To add a basic marquee, use this code. You can add an image source code into the center of the marquee instead of text, or just change the text to whatever you like. All font codes go inside the marquee tags. You can even add a link inside!
<marquee>TEXT HERE</marquee>
Changing Direction
You can adjust the direction the marquee slides with this code.
<marquee direction="right">TEXT HERE</marquee>
By changing the word "right" in the above code to "up" or "down", you can continue to change the direction.
<marquee direction="up">TEXT HERE</marquee>
Marquee Behavior
You can adjust the behavior the marquee slides with this code With the marquee behavior set to "alternate", the marquee will bounce back and forth across the page.
<marquee behavior="alternate">TEXT HERE</marquee>
With the marquee behavior set to "slide", the marquee will slide in once and stop.
<marquee behavior="slide">TEXT HERE</marquee>
Marquee with Style
You can adjust the behavior the marquee slides with this code With the marquee behavior set to "alternate", the marquee will bounce back and forth across the page.
<marquee behavior="alternate" bgcolor="000000" width="350"><font color="white">Ever cool, huh?</font></marquee>
Changing Speed
You can set the speed of the marquee with the following code. Below are several examples, all you need to do is change the number in the scroll amount to whatever you would like. The higher the number, the faster your marquee will scroll.
<marquee scrollamount="1">This is speed 1</marquee>
Using an Image
You can use an image in your marquee, simply by inserting the image source code inside the marquee, like this.
<marquee><img src="URL OF YOUR IMAGE"></marquee>