Alerts & Popups
How do I add javascript alerts?
Javascript alerts and confirms can be fun to play with, and add to your site, but you have to keep in mind the main rule when designing a website. You're designing based on the needs of your visitor. Your visitors may not want to be harrassed by a ton of alerts, so be careful not to get carried away. That being said, on to the alerts.
Alert on Click
To have an alert appear when a link is clicked, like the example below, use the following code.
<form ACTION=URI><input type="button" value="Click here!" onClick='alert("See? This alert shows up when someone clicks the button link!")'></form>
Alert on Click with Style
To have an alert appear when a link is clicked, and add some color to the button link, like the example below, use the following code.
<form ACTION=URI><input type="button" style="background:#849AA4" value="Click here!" onClick='alert("See? This alert shows up when someone clicks the button link!")'></form>
Alert on Page Enter
To have an alert appear when someone enters your page, use this code.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript type="text/javascript"">alert("MESSAGE HERE")</SCRIPT>
Alert on Page Exit
To have an alert appear when someone enters your page, use this code.
<body onunload="alert('MESSAGE HERE');">
Alert on Page Enter & Exit
To have an alert appear when someone enters your page, use this code.
<body onload="alert('ENTER MESSAGE HERE');" onunload="alert('EXIT MESSAGE HERE');">
Multiple Alerts on Page Enter
To have an alert appear when someone enters your page, use this code.
<script language="JavaScript type="text/javascript""> <!-- start script alert("MESSAGE HERE"); alert("MESSAGE HERE"); alert("MESSAGE HERE"); // end script --> </script>
Alert on Hover
To have an alert appear when someone hovers over a link, like the example below, use this code.
Put your mouse over this link!
<a href=""onMouseover="alert('Personally this code drives me nuts.')">Put your mouse over this link!</a>
Javascript Confirm
With this code, when someone enters your site, they will see a popup asking if they're sure they want to continue. If they choose no, they will be taken to another site, one that you've specified in the code.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var stay=confirm("Are you sure you want to continue?")
if (!stay)