April Fools
The Neopets Team shows us their warped sense of humor every April 1st.Each year the staff at Neopets.com has a little fun by playing a prank on the general community of Neopia. Some of us know that they'll try to pull off something, and anxiously await April 1st to see what original trick they've come up with this time. However, there are the ones who aren't aware of Neopets previous history of prank pulling, and naively fall for the trick.
This page will give you some insight into the type of pranks Neopets likes to pull, so that you know what they are capable of the next time April Fools rolls around. Just so you know, they will stop at nothing to get everyone going!
Watch out for next year! One of these years, when everyone is expecting the joke, Neopets won't pull one. That would be joke enough, with everyone questioning everything that happens for a full 24 hours. Until then, be skeptical of anything that occurs on April 1st.
Click the links to bring up the pranks for that year.