Turmac Roll
Play The Game
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NP Ratio
100 NP / 100 Points


No avatar is currently available for this game.

Game Description

If a Turmac eats a lot, it can grow up to be big and strong (maybe even as big as the Turmaculus one day!) Guide your little Turmac using the arrow keys and collect as many berries as possible without hitting anything!

Game Guide

If you can, try to practice the game and learn to play it on the hard level. You earn more for berries that you pick up. Here's a guide of what the berries are worth:

snidberry - 4(on medium) 6(on hard)
loveberry - 4(on medium) 12(on hard)
chiaberry - 8(on medium) 24(on hard)
conkerberry - 16(on medium) 16(on hard)
voidberry - 30(on medium) 30(on hard)
fishberry - 50(on medium) 100(on hard)
jumbleberry - 100(on medium) 150(on hard)
juicyberry - 150(on medium) 200(on hard)
unguberry - 200(on medium) 300(on hard)
aquaberry - 400(on medium) 400(on hard)

Quick Codes

None exist.